Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Acrobat::AcroApp::GetPreference(short nType)

What the hell is nType? I wonder. I looked at the Acrobat IAC documentation and it pointed me to the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference. Guess what, nType isn't even there. Instead, GetPreference's parameter isn't a short but an AVPrefTypes. I looked at the definition of AVPrefTypes and it gave me...... Nothing. All it had in the AVPrefTypes is:

typedef ASUns8 AVPrefsType
A structure containing values that specfiy the Acrobat viewer's preferences settings. Can contain up to
255 entries.

Related Methods:
AVAppSetPreference Bit-flag ASUns32 constants for use with AVDocPrintParams.

Really. LOL. What kind of documentation is that? Acrobat SDK might have the worst the documentation ever. I had to look in the header just to find out what the hell AVPrefsType is. The header containing AVPrefType seems to be located in the header file AVPrefsD.h

Below is the contents of AVPrefsD.H which can be found in \Adobe Acrobat 7.0.5 SDK\PluginSupport\Headers\API\

Scroll down and Look for the RED text for something hilarious. I couldn't have imagine that I'll find this in the documentation of some big shot company. LOL.



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- Defines AV_PREFERENCES, the list of AVAppPreferences.


/* **ER 1/31/96
** Do not ever add preferences to the middle of _t_APrefsType! Always append.
** If you are not certain that you understand our preferences system,
** find somebody who does who can help you.
Messing with the preferences
** can cause a lot of problems, some of which can be subtle and hard to find.
** Additionally, be sure to update AVExpt.h in the SDK so that plug-ins can
** see your changes.

/* Items which are declared AVS are either strings or structures, both
** of which require special handling when establishing defaults, etc.
** Also, any item marked AVS requires modifications to the preferences
** code on Mac. String items are stored in a separate record, and
** non-string items require some special handling in SetProcIndep.
** (We could avoid the later problem by separating AVS into two
** defines, one for structures which can be copied as-is and one
** for strings and other pointers. But not now.)

* AVP(a, b) does not quite cover all cases
* AVX(a, b) used only for avpShortMenus
* AVS(a, b) for prefs which are structures or strings
* initializing defaults needs to be special-cased
* AVU(a, b, c) used for obsolete preferences
* AVPSTR(a) used for char* strings
* AVPVOIDP(a) used for void* objects

** the original preference API. This section is for retaining backwards compatibility
** with the original API.
** Use AVAppSetPref___() and AVAppGetPref___() for new preferences.
** Ask someone if this isn't clear.

AVP(avpPrefsVersion, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpOpenDialogAtStartup, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowSplashAtStartup, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowToolBar, ASBool) \
AVP(avpRememberDialogs, ASBool) \
AVX(avpShortMenus, ASBool) /* omitted from AVPrefsRec, included in AVPrefsType */ \
AVP(avpDefaultOverviewType, PDPageMode) \
AVP(avpDefaultZoomScale, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpDefaultZoomType, AVZoomType) \
AVP(avpShowLargeImages, ASBool) \
AVP(avpGreekText, ASBool) \
AVP(avpGreekLevel, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpSubstituteFontType, PDSubstFontPref) \
AVP(avpDoCalibratedColor, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSkipWarnings, ASBool) \
AVP(avpPSLevel, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpShrinkToFit, ASBool) \
AVP(avpCaseSensitive, ASBool) \
AVP(avpWholeWords, ASBool) \
AVS(avpNoteColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVPSTR(avpNoteLabel) /* MAX_NOTE_LABEL */ \
AVP(avpMaxThreadZoom, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpEnablePageCache, ASBool) \
AVS(avpFullScreenColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVU(avpFullScrolling, ASBool, 1) /* AVU => obsolete */ \
AVP(avpMaxPageCacheZoom, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpMinPageCacheTicks, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpMaxPageCacheBytes, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpDrawMissingThumbs, ASBool) /* AVU => obsolete */ \
AVP(avpFullScreenChangeTimeDelay, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpFullScreenLoop, ASBool) \
AVP(avpThumbViewScale, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpThumbViewTimeout, ASInt32) \
AVPSTR(avpDestFitType) /* MAX_FIT_TYPE */ \
AVP(avpDestZoomInherit, ASBool) \
AVP(avpHighlightMode, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpDefaultSplitterPos, ASInt32) \
AVU(avpThreadIndicator, ASUns32, 2) /* AVU => obsolete */ \
AVP(avpMaxCosDocCache, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpPageUnits, PageUnitsType) \
AVPSTR(avpNoteFontName_Deprecated) /* MAX_FONT_NAME */ \
AVP(avpNoteFontSize_Deprecated, ASInt32) \
AVPSTR(avpRecentFile1) \
AVPSTR(avpRecentFile2) \
AVPSTR(avpRecentFile3) \
AVPSTR(avpRecentFile4) \
AVS(avpHighlightColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVP(avpFullScreenUseTimer, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAntialiasText, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAntialiasLevel, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpPersistentCacheSize, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpPersistentCacheFolder, ASPathName) \
AVP(avpPageViewLayoutMode, PDLayoutMode) \
AVP(avpSaveAsLinearized, ASBool) \
AVP(avpMaxOpenDocuments, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpUseHostFont, ASBool) \
AVP(avpMarkHiddenPages, ASBool) /* DON'T SAVE TO DISK */ \
AVPSTR(avpFullScreenTransitionType) \
AVP(avpFullScreenClick, ASBool) \
AVP(avpFullScreenEscape, ASBool) \
AVP(avpFullScreenCursor, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpOpenInPlace, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowHiddenAnnots, ASBool) /* DON'T SAVE TO DISK */ \
AVP(avpFullScreenUsePageTiming, ASBool) /* DON'T SAVE TO DISK */ \
AVP(avpDownloadEntireFile, ASBool) \
AVP(avpEmitHalftones, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowMenuBar, ASBool) /* DON'T SAVE TO DISK */ \
AVP(avpIgnorePageClip, ASBool) \
AVP(avpMinimizeBookmarks, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowAnnotSequence, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUseLogicalPageNumbers, ASBool) \
AVS(avpASExtensionDigCert, ASExtensionEncryptedDigitalCertificateRec) \
AVP(avpShowLeftToolBar, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAllowOpenFile, ASBool) \
AVPVOIDP(avpNoteLabelEncoding) \
AVP(avpBookmarkShowLocation, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUseLocalFonts, ASBool) \
AVPSTR(avpCurrCMM) \
AVP(avpBrowserIntegration, ASBool) \
AVP(avpBrowserCheck, ASBool) \
AVP(avpPrintAnnots, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSendFarEastFonts, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSuppressCSA, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAntialiasGraphics, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSecureOpenFile, ASBool) \
AVP(avpPaperSize, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpTrustedMode, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpTrustedModeOverride, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpShowUnixEula,ASBool) \
AVP(avpCMS, ASUns32) \
AVP(avpCMM, ASUns32) \
AVPSTR(avpWorkingRGB) \
AVPSTR(avpWorkingCMYK) \
AVPSTR(avpWorkingGray) \
AVP(avpBlackPointCompensation, ASBool) \
AVP(avpHostBasedCM, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAntialiasImages, ASBool) \
AVP(avpDoUpdate, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUpdateFrequency, ASUns32) \
AVP(avpShowUpdateDialog, ASBool) \
AVP(avpLastAcrobatUpdateCheck, ASUns32) \
AVP(avpDisableAcrobatUpdate, ASBool) \
AVPSTR(avpOverrideAcrobatUpdateURL) \
AVP(avpLastWebServicesUpdateCheck, ASUns32) \
AVP(avpDisableWebServicesUpdate, ASBool) \
AVP(avpEnableDDR, ASBool) \
AVP(avpColorArtifactRemoval, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpGamma, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpDirectDraw, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSaveVM, ASBool) \
AVPSTR(avpColorSettingsFile) \
AVPSTR(avpPrinterSpace) \
AVP(avpAccessColorPolicy, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpAccessOverrideDocColors, ASBool) \
AVS(avpAccessTextColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVS(avpAccessBackgroundColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVP(avpShowGrid, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSnapToGrid, ASBool) \
AVP(avpGridWidth, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpGridHeight, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpGridSubdivisions, ASInt32) \
AVS(avpGridColor, PDColorValueRec) \
AVP(avpGridHOffset, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpGridVOffset, ASFixed) \
AVS(avpGridMinorColor, PDColorValueRec)\
AVP(avpAllowByteRangeRequests, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUsingAreaBoxNames, ASBool) \
AVP(avpSoftProof, ASBool) \
AVP(avpEmitTileMarks, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpSlugs, ASBool) \
AVP(avpShowOverprint, ASBool) \
AVP(avpPrintOverprint, ASBool) \
AVP(avpNoteOpacity, ASFixed) \
AVP(avpProofInkBlack, ASBool) \
AVP(avpProofPaperWhite, ASBool) \
AVP(avpOptimizeForSpeed, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAccessPageMode, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAccessMaxDocModePages, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpShowTransparencyGrid, ASBool) \
AVP(avpHoveringPopups, ASBool) \
AVP(avpFullScreenMonitor, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpOpenNewDocument, ASBool) \
AVP(avpOpenAsPDFFilterIndex, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpSaveAsFilterIndex, ASInt32)\
AVP(avpHideTabsCompletely, ASBool)\
AVP(avpPrintUsingWorkingSpaces, ASBool)\
AVP(avpDisplayRightsDialog, ASBool) \
AVP(avpCacheFormData, ASBool) \
AVP(avpEmitPostScriptXObjects, ASBool) \
AVP(avpWrapLongBookmarks, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAccessReadOrderOverride, ASBool) \
AVP(avpAccessReadOrder, ASInt32) \
AVP(avpFullScreenIgnoreTrans, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUsePenForInput, ASBool) \
AVP(avpUseSysSetting, ASBool) \
AVP(avpPixelsPerInch, ASInt32)

** the original preference API. This section is for retaining backwards compatibility
** with the original API.
** Use AVAppSetPref___() and AVAppGetPref___() for new preferences.
** Ask someone if this isn't clear.

//== End of AVPrefsD.H

Lol. Really, who could understand your system if it's poorly documented. Come on.